
“My students and I have been reading your Wireman comics in an incredible way. They are completely intrigued about the “secret society” that has called Andre to serve. Why can’t Maya talk? Who are some of these characters? It is amazing. They are engaged to the bones. They have so many questions about the story. They want to know and understand so many things. They are analyzing characters, relationships, dialogues, word meaning, plots, main stories, side stories, etc. We are having a lot of fun here. Congratulations. The story you created is wonderful. Well done.” –Christian Roman, 6th grade teacher at SAIL Public Charter School in Washington D.C.
“I could tell you several amusing stories about how I got my students to do extra work to earn the cover poster and how they made me promise to let them know when issues 3 and 4 were out, even though they would be in middle school. The entire fifth grade graduating class read and enjoyed Wireman, but for a handful of students, it became more than a comic. Frankie, a fifth grade, special education student, was a VERY reluctant reader. He tested at pre-primer level in reading in September. Throughout the year, it was a struggle to get him to read anything—even a word or a sentence. He wanted nothing to do with school. Then, a Wireman Comic cover showed up on the bulletin board behind my desk. Frankie noticed it right away and wanted to know what it was. I told him it was for reading and he probably wouldn’t want to see it. No, he assured me that in fact he did want to read it. Frankie picked up the first comic and read it. He was intrigued by the depth of the story line and was excited that he could actually read it. By the end of the second comic, he was hooked. On the last day of fifth grade, he refused to take any of his notebooks or folders home. However, I saw him tuck those Wireman Comics into his backpack before he left.” —Michelle Williams, Special Ed Teacher at Hall Elementary
“Surprisingly, I was the first person to be called up for a prize [after Sue’s presentation]. I didn’t know what to pick. There were books, comics, and two bikes. I went up there and did what I went up there to do, and that was to get the Wireman Comics. The next day at school, the kids came up to me and asked why I didn’t get a bike. I told them that I love the Wireman Comics because they are the best.” —Ramses Soto, past 7th grade ESL student at Ridge Park Charter Academy (Don’t worry, we sent him home with one of those bikes too!)
“I’ve never seen the kids in one of these workshops be so quiet and so engrossed in what they were reading. The fact that they were clambering for the next issue and begging to know what happened next was a testament to how involved they were in the story – not always an easy feat with these kids!” —Emily Maurin, WGVU Marketing Coordinator, After School Loop Program at Burton Middle School
Still not convinced? Read even more about what what teachers and students are saying about Wireman. And a great letter…