Though Sue knew instinctively that at-risk kids would connect with the story of Tillie Anderson, the Swedish Immigrant who bucked tradition, sewed her own form-fitting racing uniform and became a champion bicycle racer in the 1890s, she wanted to think ‘outside the book’ to help make that connection. Enter The Tillie Ride, a more than 250-mile bike journey made by Sue and her gang from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Tillie’s hometown in Chicago. To tell children that Tillie did something that seemed—at that time—to be impossible was one way to honor this history-making woman. But to show them by trying to achieve something impossible herself was even better. So this former ‘weakling,’ and self-described bookworm, fired up a weblog and logged the miles to be able to visit more than 1,000 schoolkids who had never met a children’s book author. Check out The Tillie Ride here!