I love this video of Sherry Andrews, a veteran teacher in Detroit, talking about the magic of Wireman. I especially love how she demonstrates that Wireman appeals to both above-grade-level as well as below-grade-level readers, allowing kids of all reading strengths to have complex literature discussions together. Please share this with lovers of literacy, as well as the indiegogo site: igg.me/at/wireman link. Donations of any size are welcome–shares and comments are equally appreciated. These boys deserve reading material that they love. Thank you!
We’ve already started sketching the first issue of Volume 3. A script existed for the whole issue, but after getting more feedback I’ve decided to revise it. I kept the very first scene, but am rewriting the following ones. Still, Cang could get right to work. Very exciting!
The opening scene takes up where we left off–on the top of the roof. Jenny and Andre are trying to reconstruct what has happened over the last couple of days. These rough sketches are the result of a series of conversations and thumbnail sketches–just scribbles, really–to get the characters in place. Once we feel confident that this flows, he’ll begin the final sketches.